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Standard Rates!

Development Starts Here! 

*Please Note: In rare cases the class location is subject to change to an alternative venue (typically nearby) due to circumstances out of our control including but not limited to things such as weather, field conditions, and/or accessibility issues. 
Tiny Tot Hoopers {Thur Mornings - 3-year olds}

The Tiny Tot Hoopers classes are childhood development classes designed to improve the physical, social and emotional development of your child while also introducing the fundamentals of basketball such as dribbling, passing and scoring using fun games and activities. Like all of our classes, this program will continue to take a childhood development approach and will focus on increasing balance and coordination while introducing things such as jumping, hand-eye coordination, ball control, listening skills, social cooperation, and independent learning.


Dates:           January 16th - February 20th

Days:            Thursdays

Time:            9:00 - 11:00 AM

Ages:            3 Year Olds

Location:      *Rising Sun Child Care (114 N Main St, Kimberly, WI 54136)

Tiny Tot Hoopers {Thur Mornings - 3-year olds}


Standard Registration 
Save $17

Early Bird Rates 
Save $25

Late Registration
Full Price

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